As I was doing my research for Sunday's World Cup final I became incredibly excited about the possibilities this match up brings to the table. As both sides have never won a World Cup before it promises to be a very aggressive match full of goal chances and hard tackles. I also expect to see the tears flow at the end of the match as either grown men will be crying over winning the World Cup, or over losing their one chance at football immortality.
I actually have no actual idea who's going to win this game, as both teams are very strong and match each other in just about all parts on all parts of the field. In overall big game experience I would have to tip my hand to Spain as the majority of the team was around for the 2008 European final. Also based on the strength of the Spainsh defence through out this tournament they may have a slight edge over the Dutch in the back four.
However despite this, I think that squad with more desire to be called the world's best will win out. As we've already seen in this tournament talent can only take you so far, if you don't believe me ask the Brazilians, French, English, Italians and Germans who it can be argued have more talent then our two finalists.
Frankly I'm seeing this as a pick em' type final and I'm not going to spend too much time anaylsing the game, I think it's time to sit back and enjoy what will be a beautiful final!
Mike N
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